Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Post: Where to Begin?

So here I am starting up my own blog, but oddly enough I don't feel like the type to be blogging.  While I've felt compelled to start this blog because there are many things I want to write about, I've also been stuck with not knowing where to begin.  Here's my rationale behind starting this up.  I suppose there are a number of reasons I'm doing it: (1) I'm moving to Israel for two years and it's a more efficient way of keeping people updated on what's going on with me and Caitlin; (2) every once in awhile I feel the urge the write about a biblical or theological issue; (3) because sometimes I want an outlet to write about something personal rather than academic; and (4) I often think about how the Church should be reformed and I see blogging as a good medium for writing about and discussing the practicalities of some of those proposed reforms.

Also, recently I have been feeling compelled to start writing online again because of a rather disturbing experience I have had with trying to engage in correcting a Christian friend of mine over Facebook.  Obviously Facebook is not the ideal place for someone to engage in biblical correction, but certain slanderous comments were made by this individual on Facebook that prompted me to reply in the same forum (as per the biblical disciplinary principle: to publicly correct a believer who has sinned in public).  This of course was not a pleasant experience since it was a friend of mine who has been acting so proudly and disgracefully.  Yet at the same time, in writing lengthy responses it reignited a passion to write about problems that plague the Church.

As a seminary student who has now completed 6 years of full-time study, I have come to see all sorts of problems that the Church needs to address.  However, I don't want to be just another 'heresy hunter' or someone who writes only to tear down church ministries and leaders or theologies.  While I will seek to engage issues with discernment, I do not only hope to undermine what is false; I also intend to build up what is good and to propose how existing ministries or traditions can be reformed for the better.

I pray that something good will come from this and that I'm not just wasting my time or other people's time.

Soli Deo Gloria

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